Rescuing foxes
Three incidences that revealed that the foxes needed help as we all do.
People ask me how I rescue foxes and how did I get started? The foxes were attacking some of the cats at first. As I observed the animal life in the park, there were no rabbits, just squirrels, mice, and chipmunks in the park. These foxes were starving to death. So, I proceeded in feeding them about 80 yards from where I was feeding the cats. It was always at the same time as I was feeding the cats. I stood guard while they ate, and there was little trouble with the foxes after that. The second incidence was the female fox, named Foxy, got a locust thorn in her paw. She could hardly walk, and her paw swelled up. I tried to trap her for a week, but foxes are very difficult to trap. I proceeded in putting out food for her every night that consisted of meat and bread. Her mate would eat some of it and take the rest to Foxy. After six weeks the thorn came out. The third incident occurred when some transplanted foxes lost their home because of new residential homes. They brought mange with them that affected Kevie and her pups mainly. I found medicine in England and Canada that helped me treat the mange (NEXGARD, which is used for dogs with fleas and ticks). In a month, most of the foxes were cleared of mange in 30 days. I lost a few fox pups due to not being able to see the hair and skin at night. See books 2 and 3 for their unique stories.